The PIC24HJ128GP502-I/SO is a general purpose PIC24H family highest performance and excellent code density 16-bit Microcontroller packs powerful PIC®(RISC) architecture with up to 70 MIPS of performance at 3.3V. This product offer all of the advantages of the well recognized high-performance x16 architecture with standardized features including 128kB of addressable program memory size, 8192bytes of data memory size, 21 general-purpose I/O pins, 10-channel 10/12-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter and one 4-bit digital-to-analog (D/A) converter. This device operates at a maximum frequency of 40MHz with wide operating voltage of 3 to 3.6V.
- Single cycle execution and fast interrupts (5 cycles)
- Brown-out reset (BOR)
- Power on reset (POR)
- Watch dog timer (WDT)
- 8-Channel DMA
- Two comparators
- Peripheral pin select (PPS)
- Controller area network (CAN)
- Local interconnect network (LIN)
- IrDA
- Parallel master port
- Five 16-bit timers
- Two 32-bit timers
- Programmable Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Motor Drive & Control, Lighting, Medical, Security, Multimedia, Communications & Networking, Audio