120 products

Showing 73 - 108 of 120 products
₹ 2,536,895 Barco
Barco 3X GLD Lenses
Panasonic 1.13:1-1.72:1 Zoom Lens for PT-RQ50 Projector
Panasonic 1.45:1-2.10:1 Zoom Lens for PT-RQ50 Projector
Christie Lens 1.52-2.89:1 Zoom G/Gs
Sony Z4111 Projection Lens
₹ 75,840 Sony
Sony Z4111 Projection Lens
Canon RS-SL01ST Standard Zoom Lens with Throw Ratio 1.49-2.24:1
Canon RS-SL06UW Ultra Short Fixed Lens with Throw Ratio 0.54:1
Canon RS-SL03WF Short Fixed Lens with Throw Ratio 0.80:1
Save ₹ 429,070
Barco TLD+ (7.5-11.2) Projector Lens
₹ 1,019,370 ₹ 1,448,440 Barco
Barco TLD+ (7.5-11.2) Projector Lens
Christie HD Projection ILS 6.9-10.4:1/7.5-11.2:1 Zoom Lens
Christie HD Projection ILS Zoom Lens
Christie HD Projection ILS 0.67:1/0.73:1 Fixed Lens
Christie HD Projection ILS 1.1:1/1.2:1 Fixed Lens
Christie HD Projection ILS 4.1-6.9:1/4.5-7.3:1 Zoom Lens
Sony VPLL-Z4019 1.3x Standard Zoom Projection Lens
Save ₹ 39,390
Canon LX-IL03ST 1.73 to 2.27:1 Standard Zoom Lens for LX-MU700 DLP Projector
Ricoh Replacement Lens Type-3 for PJ X6180N Projector
Ricoh Replacement Lens Type-4 for PJ X6180N Projector

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