6487 products

Showing 1 - 36 of 6487 products
Save ₹ 615
SparkFun SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier - HX711SparkFun SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier - HX711
Save ₹ 130
Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Vibration Sensor - Large Flex / Force - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Vibration Sensor - Large Flex / Force - 2
Save ₹ 75
Tanotis - SparkFun Temperature Sensor - TMP36 - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Temperature Sensor - TMP36 - 2
Save ₹ 380
Tanotis - SparkFun Biomedical Sensor Pad (10 pack) Biometrics - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Biomedical Sensor Pad (10 pack) Biometrics - 2
Save ₹ 460
Tanotis - SparkFun Force Sensitive Resistor 0.5" Flex / - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Force Sensitive Resistor 0.5" Flex / - 2
Save ₹ 690
Tanotis - SparkFun Sound Detector Audio, Sound, Sparkfun Originals - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Sound Detector Audio, Sound, Sparkfun Originals - 2
Save ₹ 3,740
SparkFun LIDAR-Lite v3SparkFun LIDAR-Lite v3
₹ 15,715 ₹ 19,455 sparkfun
SparkFun LIDAR-Lite v3
Save ₹ 185
Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Vibration Sensor - Large with Mass Flex / Force - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Vibration Sensor - Large with Mass Flex / Force - 2
Save ₹ 1,670
Tanotis - SparkFun Geophone - SM-24 1-axis, Flex / Force - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Geophone - SM-24 1-axis, Flex / Force - 2
Save ₹ 220
Tanotis - SparkFun SoftPot Membrane Potentiometer - 50mm Flex / Force - 1Tanotis - SparkFun SoftPot Membrane Potentiometer - 50mm Flex / Force - 2
Save ₹ 600
Tanotis - Genuine sparkfun SparkFun IR Thermometer Evaluation Board - MLX90614SparkFun IR Thermometer Evaluation Board - MLX90614 Sparkfun Originals, Temperature
Save ₹ 30
Tanotis - Genuine sparkfun Optical Detector / Phototransistor - QRD1114 - 1Tanotis - Genuine sparkfun Optical Detector / Phototransistor - QRD1114 - 2
Save ₹ 150
Tanotis - SparkFun Thermocouple Type-K - Stainless Steel Temperature - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Thermocouple Type-K - Stainless Steel Temperature - 2
Save ₹ 505
Tanotis - SparkFun RGB Light Sensor - ISL29125 / Imaging, Sparkfun Originals - 1Tanotis - SparkFun RGB Light Sensor - ISL29125 / Imaging, Sparkfun Originals - 2
Save ₹ 690
Tanotis - SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor - APDS-9960 Light / Imaging, Proximity, Sparkfun Originals - 1Tanotis - SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor - APDS-9960 Light / Imaging, Proximity, Sparkfun Originals - 2
Save ₹ 1,175
Tanotis - SparkFun Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor - AD8232 Biometrics, Sparkfun Originals - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor - AD8232 Biometrics, Sparkfun Originals - 2
Save ₹ 75
Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Element Flex / Force, General - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Element Flex / Force, General - 2
Save ₹ 450
Tanotis - SparkFun SST Liquid Level Sensor Infrared - 1Tanotis - SparkFun SST Liquid Level Sensor Infrared - 2
Save ₹ 455
Tanotis - SparkFun Infrared Thermometer - MLX90614 Temperature - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Infrared Thermometer - MLX90614 Temperature - 2
Save ₹ 830
Tanotis - SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL345 3-axis, Sparkfun Originals - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL345 3-axis, Sparkfun Originals - 2
Save ₹ 320
Tanotis - SparkFun Force Sensitive Resistor - Small Flex / - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Force Sensitive Resistor - Small Flex / - 2
Save ₹ 455
SparkFun Thermocouple Type-K - Glass Braid Insulated (Bare Wire) TemperatureSparkFun Thermocouple Type-K - Glass Braid Insulated (Bare Wire) Temperature
Save ₹ 305
Tanotis - SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor Biometrics, Sparkfun Originals - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor Biometrics, Sparkfun Originals - 2
Save ₹ 380
Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Vibration Sensor - Small Horizontal Flex / Force - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Piezo Vibration Sensor - Small Horizontal Flex / Force - 2
Save ₹ 1,820
Tanotis - SparkFun Load Cell - 200kg, Disc (TAS606) Flex / Force - 1Tanotis - SparkFun Load Cell - 200kg, Disc (TAS606) Flex / Force - 2
Save ₹ 1,515
SparkFun SparkFun OpenScaleSparkFun SparkFun OpenScale
₹ 3,740 ₹ 5,255 sparkfun
SparkFun SparkFun OpenScale

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