6616 products

Showing 1981 - 2016 of 6616 products
NI 788371-35 Test Software Labview Professional Download Multi Language 1 Year Subscription
NI 788370-35 Test Software Labview Professional Download Multi Language 1 Year Subscription
NI 785192-01 Digital Module C Series NI-9375 16 Input Output 0 V to 30 Spring Terminal
NI 787987-01 Controller PXI Chassis PXIe-8862 2.7 MHz 512 GB Hard Drive New
NI 787881-01 Controller PXI Chassis PXIe-8822 2.4 MHz 512 GB Hard Drive New
NI 786782-01 Voltage Input Module C Series NI-9252 50 Ksps 24 bit 8 -10 V to 10 cDAQ/RIO Screw
NI 786411-01 Rack Mount Kit Industrial Compactrio and Compactdaq
NI 785994-01 Analog Input Module Universal C Series NI-9219 100 SPS 24 bit 4 ± 60 V Spring
NI 785971-01 Chassis PXIe-1095 PXI System 18 Slots 3U 24 GB/s Bandwidth Timing and Synchronization Option
NI 785822-01 Analogue Output Device PCIe-6738 1 Msps 16 bit 32 DAQ
NI 785768-01 PXI Oscilloscope PXIe-5110 100 MHz 8 Bits 1 Gsps 2 Channel 512 MB
NI 785620-01 Controller Compactrio cRIO-9043 Intel Atom E3930 1.3 GHz 2Cores 2GB RAM 4Slots
NI 785550-03 Test Cable Assembly Chassis Remote Control MXI-Express Gen 3 x8 Copper m
NI 785064-01 Chassis cDAQ-9185 Compactdaq System 4 Slots Ethernet
NI 784774-01 Controller Compactrio cRIO-9035 Intel Atom E3825 1.33GHz 2Cores 1GB 8Slots Synchronization
NI 785259-01 Temperature Input Module C Series NI-9212 95 SPS 24 bit 8 ± 78.125 mV cDAQ/RIO Mini TC
NI 785190-01 Voltage Output Module C Series NI-9264 25 Ksps 16 bit CompactDAQ/RIO Spring
NI 785186-01 Temperature Input Module C Series NI-9216 400 SPS 24 bit 8 CompactDAQ/CompactRIO Spring
NI 784399-01 Voltage Input Module C Series NI-9202 10 Ksps 24 bit 16 -10 V to cDAQ/RIO Dsub
NI 785185-02 Temperature Module C Series NI-9213 75 SPS 24 bit 16 I/P cDAQ/RIO Spring Conformal Coated
NI 785184-01 Voltage Input Module C Series NI-9205 250 Ksps 16 bit 32 ± 10 V cDAQ/RIO System Spring
NI 784178-01 Remote Control Module PXIe-8398 Pxie Controller 4 Port
NI 785080-01 Backshell cRIO-9940 36-Pos Spring Terminal Connector
NI 785065-01 Chassis cDAQ-9189 Compactdaq System 8 Slots Ethernet
NI 785044-01 Digital Module C Series NI-9425 32 Input 10 V Spring Terminal
NI 785023-04 Test Power Supply Accessory Cord Usrp RIO Europe
NI 784819-01 Test Cable Assembly Backshell 18-Position Screw Terminal
NI 784788-01 Temperature Input Module C Series NI-9210 14 SPS 24 bit 4 CompactDAQ/RIO System Mini TC
NI 784539-01 C Series Digitizer Adapter Module NI-9775 13.9 MHz 4 Channel 14 Bits 20 Msps

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