Arduino Nano Every is an Arduino's 5V compatible board in the smallest available form factor. It is a preferred board for many projects requiring a small and easy to use microcontroller board. The small footprint and low price, make the Nano Every particularly suited for wearable inventions, low cost robotics, electronic musical instruments and general use to control smaller parts of a larger projects. The Arduino Nano Every is an evolution of the traditional Arduino Nano board but features a lot more powerful processor, the ATMega4809. This will allow to make larger programs than with the Arduino Uno (it has 50% more program memory) and with a lot more variables (the RAM is 200% bigger). This small, robust and powerful board has the same classic Nano footprint loved worldwide. It can be programmed with the easy to use Arduino IDE available offline and online.
- Operating voltage of 5V
- Input voltage range from 7V to 21V
- Clock speed of 20MHz
- 48KB CPU flash memory, 6KB SRAM, 256byte EEPROM (ATMega4809)
- 5 PWM pins 5 (D3, D5, D6, D9, D10), UART, SPI, I2C
- Length is 45mm, width is 18mm, weight is 5g (with headers)
Product details
Silicon Manufacturer |
Microchip |
No. of Bits |
8bit |
Silicon Family Name |
ATmega |
Core Architecture |
Core Sub-Architecture |
- |
Silicon Core Number |
ATmega4809 |
Kit Contents |
Nano Every Development Board ATmega4809 |
Product Range |
- |
Other details
Brand |
Part Number |
ABX00028 |
Quantity |
Each |
Technical Data Sheet EN |
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